Monday, March 30, 2009

Catalog Woes

You look at catalogs out there and always think....that would be fun to publish....NOT!

I wanted to share our catalog trials with you all, as I'm sure you'll get a great laugh out of them!

I'm very hands-on. I like to be involved in all projects. I know that at times it's best to sit back and let the professionals handle things, but I still like to watch from the side-lines. As we started moving forward and finding products to debut in the first catalog putting together the "look and feel" of the company, let's say the first try was not so great!

As we did the photo shoot and wrapped up, we started working on wording. If you can't tell, this area is not my strong side. With tons of help from family and friends we finished the first ever Let's Do Tea Catalog! Excited for the launch, nothing could stop us. We had a web site, catalog and a plan, who needed more.

Well the launch of the company was January 1, 2004 and by January 15th over 80% of my blessed catalog was discontinued! Yep, you got it! Not even available if I did have customers. This was a huge learning experience.

We printed 10,000 catalogs and threw away about 9,800 of them. Our catalog has truly evolved since then. Still we make mistakes or get products that tend to have a short life, but it's not an easy job! We have put together a wonderful team that always does our catalog, but like I said in the beginning, I'm very hands-on.

I still pick all our products, handle the photo shoots, and do all the layout and wording. However, there is a team of proof readers (they still miss things), photo touch up (sometimes the pictures still look funny), and more. But we all do our best and put our heart and soul into this time consuming project. We all love this task and look forward to making it better every chance we get.

So check out our newest catalog at

Enjoy the labor!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Starting Point

Believe it or not, but I was never into direct sales prior to LDT. It was one of those "ah ha" moments in my mom's kitchen that lead us to where we are now.

I knew after years of looking for that "something better job" that it was me that was the "something." People ask me all the time: "Were you scared to fail?"...Uummm yes, aren't we all, but I think it was also that fear that helped me to keep pressing on. It's easy to dream, but never put any thought into action: "too busy, cost too much money, who has the time, too many too's.."

But once I started talking about tea, it was all I could think about. After days of looking online and reading about tea, soon it became all I could do not scream at the top of my lungs....THIS IS IT!!! Needless to say, everyone else took some convincing. As this idea started to grow, I never thought, I'm going to be a home party plan! Nope, the first idea was to be a "trendy hang out" with only difference from Starbucks and me was the product line.

So I began to put my plan into place. Searching for a building, products, you name it. I found out, building aren't cheap, who knew?!? I had just moved from Chicago to Dallas, had a boyfriend, job, no debt, why in the world would I want to rent a building for five years? So I went home to Mom for some much needed advice. As Mom and I sat in the kitchen on a beautiful April day, I said, "maybe I can go around to my friends and sell until I have enough money saved to open a store". My Mom then said: "oh, like party lite?!?" and like a light it hit us both...HOME PARTY PLAN!

Well, this sums up how we came to being a Home Party Plan Company, but to say the least, this was just the beginning. Since that April day we have grown not only as a company, but in the DSA as well.

I look forward to more "ah ha" moments, and would love to hear yours!

Our Story!
Let’s Do Tea was conceived by Meredith Tieszen in November, 2002 while flying for a major airline. After talking the idea over with her mom and partner, Jerry Moore, they decided this was where God was leading them.

Let’s Do Tea helps open doors for hospitality and sharing health facts while enjoying a cup of tea.
The past few years have been blessed with on going growth and friendships that would not have been possible without God’s touch. He has brought us more then we could have hoped for and continues to bless us every day.

We feel fortunate to work with such wonderful people and hear their stories.
Thank you Lord, for your amazing gift and grace!