Friday, October 22, 2010

Becoming Let's Do Tea - part one

Many people think when I started Let's Do Tea that this was a life long dream.....well sad to say, it wasn't!

All I remember about tea growing up was my mom gave it to me when I was sick with toast, and we had sun tea all summer long. Other then that I never really paid any attention to it. Until about 10 years ago. As you have read I was flying for an airline. I had moved to Chicago without knowing a soul. I had worked with a lady named Lisa that had become a fast friend. After about two months I received a gift in the mail. It was from Lisa! It was a cup with this wonderful scented tea. I remember thinking how this just melted my heart and made me remember being at home with my mom when I was sick.

About two years and a move to Texas went by and I came across that mug. It took me right back to that feeling. I really think that might have been the "seed" planted to start me on the path to LDT.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Focus on earthly things

The past few days I've been helping my parents pack their house as they are moving into a smaller house about 1.5 hours away. This has been a great blessing as we are going through everything with my parents and brother. Its funny, we as kids look at things as, I hope to hold onto this once you've passed, or when your gone I'll be sure to give this to my kids. As I found myself the past few days thinking those exact things, a thought hit me....Where is your focus?

WOW!!! It was as if God was saying "child, look to what your true inheritance will be". How often do you really look at the things in your house, apartment, even car and say; "I know someone who will use this" and give it away or sell it.

We focus so much on what we have and what more can we add, that we forget that one day we will be in glory with our maker, and that should be our focus. Somehow that is still not enough.

I'm not looking at everything in my house, inch by inch and putting them in piles. Things I use, things to sell. If I don't use them, I'm getting rid of them. Yes, there are something that have been given from family and friends, but honestly, there are so many without. I found myself praying "God, its all yours". I don't want a fire to burn my house down, but if it did I'm just willing to accept it and move on now.

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to focus on my eternity and not on these earthly things~

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Oh, miss" - part one

Yes, this was my name....well, you would think it was my name. As a flight attendant you get called many things, but "oh, miss" is the one that sticks the most.

I've always said I could write a book off the things I've seen or experienced being a f/a....well, a blog will have to do!

Graduation day was here! It was September and we had been given our assigned bases just two days prior to graduating.

After we celebrated Wednesday night the next morning we were picked up for a 7am flight to our new home base. Mine was Chicago! There we receive a quick tour and given instructions to get a place to live, phone and address set up prior to starting on was Thursday around 4pm!

Yep, this was the glamour everyone must have been raving about. Have you ever tried to get an apartment in a day. With no car, no idea what street is what or where you are! Better yet, we had been in training for 6 weeks with no pay. Plus we only had a piece of paper stating we were hired with the airlines, but no way for the apartment to do a validation check due to security.

Well, after finding a wonderful brownstone in Chicago I had a place to stay, with two other people. Oh the joy!

My first flight, I was so air sick I thought for sure I would have to quit. I was the number #1 which meant I had to make the announcements, take care of first class and the pilots. To top it off, we had a passenger become ill. Yes, welcome to the job!

As I scrambled to get everyone fed, announcements made suddenly I hear someone talking about a passenger in the back of the plane. Come to find out the poor guy was passing kidney stones. Now, don't get me wrong I felt bad for him, but on the outside I found these words coming out of my mouth "REALLY, why are you flying?" As I had to find a Doctor to give this poor guy pain meds I found that the endless amounts of paperwork I had to start filling out.

"What's the person's name, what seat is he in, did he check bags" and on and on... I don't know, he's screaming in pain, I'm thinking he doesn't even know his mane right now!"

I got though the paperwork and as we were trying to put ourselves and the plane back together for landing I found myself thinking...."they never said it would be this crazy the first flight out!"

Needless to say, we made it and everything turned out fine. Of course I did forget to button down the first class kitchen area, and as we landed everyone found out as the coffee pot came flying out and tray went everywhere. Yes, my first flight!

I would have some of the funniest, and scariest things happen during my 5 years, but the best was meeting my husband.

More to come~

Monday, October 4, 2010

Servant I will be~

You know we hear the phrase "Servant Leader" in sermons and at church, but why not in everyday talks? What is a "Servant Leader?!?" I believe it's one who seeks to follow God, and put others ahead of ones own needs.

I truly try my best everyday to wake up and put God first! Does this always happen, unfortunatlly no! But the good news is, I wake up the next day and try again.

I try to put people before my needs. Don't get me wrong, I take care of myself, but that is different from putting others first. Women are great at this due to our "mothering nature", but Great Leaders are also good at this. So how do you become a Great Servant Leader?

I believe you first have to become a Servant. Being a Servant to God and following Him has helped me to become a leader. Trust me, I don't think myself a Great Leader, but I pray I'm seen as a servant. I want to be Great at this one trait and I believe the rest will come.

I know that God has great plans for all of us, but we first need to bow our knee to His will. a servant and be blessed~