Saturday, November 6, 2010

One year later!

Looking back on the year~ WOW!!!!

A year ago I was in bed recovering from leg surgery. Trying to figure out how to use crutches without falling...let's just say it took some falls before I got the hang of it!

I was also struggling with closing my company I took 8 years building. Trying to figure out how I was going to let some many down with out falling apart myself. After tons of praying, I was able to finally come to terms to where I felt God was leading me.

It wasn't easy. I lost friends who had been with me from the start who just thought I was making a selfish decision. I guess they thought I was going to "pocket" all the money. HAHAHAHA!!!! I'm still trying to pay off bills!

In the end, I found my true friends and those who were just "business friends". During the same month my husband was in a bad motorcycle crash, and his grandma passed away. It was one of those months that I felt like the devil was out to get me and I may never come through the fire.

I did make it! Nothing less of God's grace. Now, a year later~ My leg is healing....slowly, business is closed...well on the internet, and for the first year in my marriage, Chad and I can do things at a minutes notice and I don't have to put out fires and think about the company prior to my husband.

Throughout my years running LDT as a home party plan I was truly a slave to it, but loved every minute. Going in at 5am and leaving around 6-7pm. Working weekends to get things done, I always felt like I had everyone's world on my shoulders. I knew how it would effect so many families and their lively hood closing the doors. (truly was torment for me at times.) But I also knew that God was the only one who could help them, and He was the only one I needed to focus on for me and my family.

I will always hold the time dear to my heart. For about 4 months this year I would find myself crying or "second" guessing my choice, but every time I did God would show me again that He has a different plan for me. I've been able to get more involved in church, start a bible study and so much more.

Following God's path might not always be easy, but the rewards are great! Thank you Lord for this wonderful year~

Friday, October 22, 2010

Becoming Let's Do Tea - part one

Many people think when I started Let's Do Tea that this was a life long dream.....well sad to say, it wasn't!

All I remember about tea growing up was my mom gave it to me when I was sick with toast, and we had sun tea all summer long. Other then that I never really paid any attention to it. Until about 10 years ago. As you have read I was flying for an airline. I had moved to Chicago without knowing a soul. I had worked with a lady named Lisa that had become a fast friend. After about two months I received a gift in the mail. It was from Lisa! It was a cup with this wonderful scented tea. I remember thinking how this just melted my heart and made me remember being at home with my mom when I was sick.

About two years and a move to Texas went by and I came across that mug. It took me right back to that feeling. I really think that might have been the "seed" planted to start me on the path to LDT.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Focus on earthly things

The past few days I've been helping my parents pack their house as they are moving into a smaller house about 1.5 hours away. This has been a great blessing as we are going through everything with my parents and brother. Its funny, we as kids look at things as, I hope to hold onto this once you've passed, or when your gone I'll be sure to give this to my kids. As I found myself the past few days thinking those exact things, a thought hit me....Where is your focus?

WOW!!! It was as if God was saying "child, look to what your true inheritance will be". How often do you really look at the things in your house, apartment, even car and say; "I know someone who will use this" and give it away or sell it.

We focus so much on what we have and what more can we add, that we forget that one day we will be in glory with our maker, and that should be our focus. Somehow that is still not enough.

I'm not looking at everything in my house, inch by inch and putting them in piles. Things I use, things to sell. If I don't use them, I'm getting rid of them. Yes, there are something that have been given from family and friends, but honestly, there are so many without. I found myself praying "God, its all yours". I don't want a fire to burn my house down, but if it did I'm just willing to accept it and move on now.

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to focus on my eternity and not on these earthly things~

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Oh, miss" - part one

Yes, this was my name....well, you would think it was my name. As a flight attendant you get called many things, but "oh, miss" is the one that sticks the most.

I've always said I could write a book off the things I've seen or experienced being a f/a....well, a blog will have to do!

Graduation day was here! It was September and we had been given our assigned bases just two days prior to graduating.

After we celebrated Wednesday night the next morning we were picked up for a 7am flight to our new home base. Mine was Chicago! There we receive a quick tour and given instructions to get a place to live, phone and address set up prior to starting on was Thursday around 4pm!

Yep, this was the glamour everyone must have been raving about. Have you ever tried to get an apartment in a day. With no car, no idea what street is what or where you are! Better yet, we had been in training for 6 weeks with no pay. Plus we only had a piece of paper stating we were hired with the airlines, but no way for the apartment to do a validation check due to security.

Well, after finding a wonderful brownstone in Chicago I had a place to stay, with two other people. Oh the joy!

My first flight, I was so air sick I thought for sure I would have to quit. I was the number #1 which meant I had to make the announcements, take care of first class and the pilots. To top it off, we had a passenger become ill. Yes, welcome to the job!

As I scrambled to get everyone fed, announcements made suddenly I hear someone talking about a passenger in the back of the plane. Come to find out the poor guy was passing kidney stones. Now, don't get me wrong I felt bad for him, but on the outside I found these words coming out of my mouth "REALLY, why are you flying?" As I had to find a Doctor to give this poor guy pain meds I found that the endless amounts of paperwork I had to start filling out.

"What's the person's name, what seat is he in, did he check bags" and on and on... I don't know, he's screaming in pain, I'm thinking he doesn't even know his mane right now!"

I got though the paperwork and as we were trying to put ourselves and the plane back together for landing I found myself thinking...."they never said it would be this crazy the first flight out!"

Needless to say, we made it and everything turned out fine. Of course I did forget to button down the first class kitchen area, and as we landed everyone found out as the coffee pot came flying out and tray went everywhere. Yes, my first flight!

I would have some of the funniest, and scariest things happen during my 5 years, but the best was meeting my husband.

More to come~

Monday, October 4, 2010

Servant I will be~

You know we hear the phrase "Servant Leader" in sermons and at church, but why not in everyday talks? What is a "Servant Leader?!?" I believe it's one who seeks to follow God, and put others ahead of ones own needs.

I truly try my best everyday to wake up and put God first! Does this always happen, unfortunatlly no! But the good news is, I wake up the next day and try again.

I try to put people before my needs. Don't get me wrong, I take care of myself, but that is different from putting others first. Women are great at this due to our "mothering nature", but Great Leaders are also good at this. So how do you become a Great Servant Leader?

I believe you first have to become a Servant. Being a Servant to God and following Him has helped me to become a leader. Trust me, I don't think myself a Great Leader, but I pray I'm seen as a servant. I want to be Great at this one trait and I believe the rest will come.

I know that God has great plans for all of us, but we first need to bow our knee to His will. a servant and be blessed~

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Have you ever sat down and thought about your past? A memory comes into mind so deep that you feel like you're there reliving it right then. Everything comes back the sound, smell, taste...everything!

That's how it is for me when I think back to Montana. Let me tell you a bit about it, and see if I can take you there. I grew up moving all over the US....more then 30 moves in under 20yrs. However Montana just stuck. We lived in a small town called Darby. Where there were more bars then churches. Going 25mph you could clear the main street of town in under five minutes, and that was with traffic! Well, this is were I grew up! The local hang out was Mr. T's gas station. This is were everyone who was anyone...well, nope just everyone was there on a Friday night after the game. It didn't even matter what game. With the senior class of 22, that parking lot could hold almost everyone that attended the high any grade!

I loved it there. Spring time.....oh! You could smell spring in the air with the bloom of Beargrass and Paintbrushes, the hills would be covered in them. Trees would start to bloom and come to life after the cold magic. Wild strawberries would bring out the bear cubs for their first taste of the mountain. I would go down to the river just to see how cold the water it glisten in the sun and wait for summer to dive in. And the can I not tell you about summer?!?

Lazy days with friends, hiking looking for antlers, biking to the lake, fishing on the river or just hanging out. But the sunset.....when the sky turns vibrant orange at first and then fads to purples and blues as you watch it fade. Its almost like God painted just for you. At last the sun would be gone behind the mountains to rest for the night only to reveal thousands upon thousands of stars that look like you can reach up and touch them at any moment.

Yes, this is my town! I have loved every place I've lived. And I've lived in some wonderful places. One of the best memories of Montana was fall. Every fall as the trees turned into hues of yellows, orange, burgundy's and brown the best thing would happen. It would be time for a star shower. Every November like clock work there is a big meteor shower called "Leonids". My mom and I would plan everything. We would get our sleeping bags and thermos of hot chocolate and go out and lay in the front yard and watch till the sun came up to see the magical show God performed for us. How I loved those nights. Talking about everything under the stars.

Now that I'm in Texas and married I still go out ever with my husband. We get blankets and drive out to where there are no more city lights and watch this wonderful show.

If you have the chance to catch the show...mark your calender...November 17th this year. Enjoy~

Friday, April 16, 2010

Criticism and how to deal with it right!

When you start a business there are many things that motivate you! Passion, desire, love for the product, people, money, the list can go on and on. I have a passion for people. I love to help, make things better, see other grow and learn.

There are many reason's I started my company and for seven years I put EVERYTHING into it, and I do mean everything! However there are somethings you don't even think about when thinking about your dream coming to life.

You learn that people will lash out for no reason, or take the most minor thing and turn then into life or death. Some things would just shock you! For instance I had one email that told me what a terrible person and christian I was. How "I couldn't be trusted due to the lack of my evil ways" What was this grave thing I did to this person....I put the wrong label on the wrong tin of tea. Honest mistake considering we have over 100 teas, and only five different colors of labels. To be honest I'm shocked it didn't happen more often. This was laughable, but I truly hurt the person who received the error.

These are things that happened daily. With over 850 consultants and thousands of customers, I was sure to get at least one-two calls or emails a day. So, why an I writing about this....easy! There are many books that will tell you about running a business, how to do the accounting, ordering, website, ect....however there is nothing that tells you about the complaints to prepare for. Yes, you can read about great customer service, and how to train your employees to deal with customers, but I've not found anything on the market that told me "hey, when you receive an email or call ripping you to the core of your being, this is how to deal with it and keep the customer".

No matter what you start, people will be just that...people! Don't ever put one group above the other. The ones that start with you, hold hands and grow together will do the same things. Nobody is above the fact that if and when something goes wrong it will be YOUR fault and they will be the first to tell you why! It never mattered if it was the "shipping and receiving dept, payroll, or whatever" it all comes up to you.

So, a few thoughts on how I took this and made them into a "semi-positive" outcome. First, I prefer emails. Why?!? You can scream get mad and blow off tons of steam prior to responding. I'm being real here!!! You need to walk away from the issue think about it and then come back to it. I'm not saying leave it for a day, just an hour. Then respond. Make sure your tone, if an email, can not in any way be taken wrong. Start with "I'm so sorry this has caused an issue" Even if it's nothing, make them feel like you hear them and you feel for the fact they have to deal with this. Then go over the issue, what you will do to fix it, reassure them you care about them, and close the subject. If they come back with anything else other then thank you, be strong in how you are dealing with it and say "I feel this matter is closed. Thank you for your support."

If you receive a call, I feel like taking the complaint and writing everything down (other words let them talk, don't respond until their done) tell then you want to get the best result and that you would like some time to call them back. Give them a set time and stick to it! Do the same, get it off your chest....punch a bag...whatever and get back to them in the same manner as the email. Write out your response. This helps you and them stay on track and keeps things moving in the right direction.

Remember, you can and won't please everyone, and it's OK to tell them that. However you need to be willing to take the criticism if this is the roll you choose in life. I know it can be personal, but if you leave that at the door it makes this roll much easier!!!

I hope this helps!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time flys!!!

I can't believe it's already April 15th!!! Where did the time go?!? So many thing have happened, let's see if I can catch everyone up!

Right before the holidays I found a tumor in my leg. Had it taken out and everything was fine, but I did find out I'm not good on crutches. After the 1st fall you would think I would learn, not me! My hind end isn't black and blue anymore....thank goodness!

About 2/3 through November it became clear I couldn't keep my business going in the same direction. Chad and I would be homeless right now if I did. This was hard to do, but I had no choice. For the past few years we have struggled with keeping the doors open, but it all came down to closing up shop....well, in a sense. We are still online and offer all 100 teas. However, many people whom I had built a good relationship with were very hurt by my choice. It's been a hard few months, but with each day it gets better. God shows me how I'm doing the right thing.

One day I'll write about some of the things that were said and emailed to me....what a shock!

More later~