Saturday, November 6, 2010

One year later!

Looking back on the year~ WOW!!!!

A year ago I was in bed recovering from leg surgery. Trying to figure out how to use crutches without falling...let's just say it took some falls before I got the hang of it!

I was also struggling with closing my company I took 8 years building. Trying to figure out how I was going to let some many down with out falling apart myself. After tons of praying, I was able to finally come to terms to where I felt God was leading me.

It wasn't easy. I lost friends who had been with me from the start who just thought I was making a selfish decision. I guess they thought I was going to "pocket" all the money. HAHAHAHA!!!! I'm still trying to pay off bills!

In the end, I found my true friends and those who were just "business friends". During the same month my husband was in a bad motorcycle crash, and his grandma passed away. It was one of those months that I felt like the devil was out to get me and I may never come through the fire.

I did make it! Nothing less of God's grace. Now, a year later~ My leg is healing....slowly, business is closed...well on the internet, and for the first year in my marriage, Chad and I can do things at a minutes notice and I don't have to put out fires and think about the company prior to my husband.

Throughout my years running LDT as a home party plan I was truly a slave to it, but loved every minute. Going in at 5am and leaving around 6-7pm. Working weekends to get things done, I always felt like I had everyone's world on my shoulders. I knew how it would effect so many families and their lively hood closing the doors. (truly was torment for me at times.) But I also knew that God was the only one who could help them, and He was the only one I needed to focus on for me and my family.

I will always hold the time dear to my heart. For about 4 months this year I would find myself crying or "second" guessing my choice, but every time I did God would show me again that He has a different plan for me. I've been able to get more involved in church, start a bible study and so much more.

Following God's path might not always be easy, but the rewards are great! Thank you Lord for this wonderful year~

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