Saturday, March 21, 2009

Starting Point

Believe it or not, but I was never into direct sales prior to LDT. It was one of those "ah ha" moments in my mom's kitchen that lead us to where we are now.

I knew after years of looking for that "something better job" that it was me that was the "something." People ask me all the time: "Were you scared to fail?"...Uummm yes, aren't we all, but I think it was also that fear that helped me to keep pressing on. It's easy to dream, but never put any thought into action: "too busy, cost too much money, who has the time, too many too's.."

But once I started talking about tea, it was all I could think about. After days of looking online and reading about tea, soon it became all I could do not scream at the top of my lungs....THIS IS IT!!! Needless to say, everyone else took some convincing. As this idea started to grow, I never thought, I'm going to be a home party plan! Nope, the first idea was to be a "trendy hang out" with only difference from Starbucks and me was the product line.

So I began to put my plan into place. Searching for a building, products, you name it. I found out, building aren't cheap, who knew?!? I had just moved from Chicago to Dallas, had a boyfriend, job, no debt, why in the world would I want to rent a building for five years? So I went home to Mom for some much needed advice. As Mom and I sat in the kitchen on a beautiful April day, I said, "maybe I can go around to my friends and sell until I have enough money saved to open a store". My Mom then said: "oh, like party lite?!?" and like a light it hit us both...HOME PARTY PLAN!

Well, this sums up how we came to being a Home Party Plan Company, but to say the least, this was just the beginning. Since that April day we have grown not only as a company, but in the DSA as well.

I look forward to more "ah ha" moments, and would love to hear yours!


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