Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Mary Kay Way

Every month I will be blogging about a new book. I would love to hear your comments or what you have gotten out of my blog.

Well.the first book I wanted to talk about is The Mary Kay Way! This is a wonderful book. If you have read this book, I would love to hear your comments. It's one of those books that you go back to time and time again and find something new that sticks out. I keep this great book on my night stand and thumb through it often. When I first heard the story of MK, I thought she was in her early twenties with a toddler, trying to make ends meet...well, that was not the case.

MK was already retired, son grown and looking to put together a company that would hold her values, yet promote women. Hence Mary-Kay was born. It didn't happen over night, but she just kept plugging away at it, implementing rules and guidelines that help run the company today.

When MK passed away her son and granddaughter filled her shoes.

I wish I would have had the opportunity to meet MK. She has helped me in my business more then she will ever know. From the people who did meet her, they say she was in a class of her own. She always had a smile and a kind word. She practiced the "Golden Rule" that she instilled in the MK legacy. If you run into one of her consultants, you can ask them about this rule, and they will be happy to tell you what it means.

Mary Kay has helped more women thrive around the world in business as well as helping many charities. I truly urge you to pick up this book, read it, and apply what you can to enrich your life.


  1. I am about half way through this book and have enjoyed reading Mary Kay's perspective on business leadership. Some things seem so simple yet provide me a solid challenge in my relations with all people, whether downline, upline, customer, co-worker, husband, friend or stranger. One of the points she makes that has been on my mind a lot is to imagine that everyone you meet is wearing a sign that says "Make me feel important." I know some people that this would be a natural reaction to them and others who really challenge me and I know I struggle to treat them as important. The Mary Kay Way is a great read and provides great insight into the way we should treat people. Thanks for the pick Meredith!

  2. I totally agree Melissa! When I think of all the places I go to do shopping or whatever, I want to feel important to them. This too really made me stop and think to treat people the same way I wanted to be treated. Thanks for your comments!
